

Drone Space Kenya to Host Regional AI Conference: Shaping the Future of Technology

Introduction Drone Space Kenya which is the first company to introduce new drone technology ideas, plans to organize a major...

Kenya Airways plans to charge drone owners, Ksh 180,000 for a course to obtain...

Drone regulations in Kenya have come a long way, but there remains some key hinderances to proper laws and...

Lamu police arrest man suspected of flying unmanned aircraft (drone) above its post

Police in Lamu have arrested a man suspected of flying unmanned aircraft popularly referred to as drone above a...

Kenya Airways considers operating commercial drones to diversify revenue source

The Kenya Airways, commonly known by acronym KQ, is apparently considering operating commercial drones as it seeks on more...
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KCAA Significantly drops importation charges for drones in new proposals

Importing a drone in Kenya has been quite a hassle due to lack of proper regulations governing the unmanned...